The cost range for skylight repair is very broad, from replacing a failing crank handle to completely replacing an existing skylight with a new one and maybe upgrading the skylight.
You will discover that the cost to replace an average skylight is subject to the type, size, material, finish quality, and features. The replacement cost additionally depends on your home’s roof type and roofing material, the roof’s opening, the structure around the installation's condition, the type of skylight, and labor rates.
Typically, a skylight lasts around 15-20 years.
Leaks don’t always warrant a replacement. A small leak can just mean your flashing needs repaired. The flashing that surrounds the window where the skylight meets the roof needs to be sealed properly to eliminate moisture from getting into the home.
Don’t ignore a leak. If you see water coming from the skylight, contact us immediately. Otherwise, the moisture can quickly cause water damage to the roof or drywall of your home
The size of the opening, glass, and frame
Access to the skylight
Location of the leak(s)
The roofs pitch
A small leak or some discoloration could just need some minor repairs, but older skylights with major problems likely need an upgrade.
If you need a skylight replacement, you can expect to choose from one of these types of skylights:
* Prices vary depending on type of skylight and installation
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